Yin Yoga & Anatomy Training


Yin Yoga & Anatomy Training (50HR)

With Marcel van de Vis Heil

Open Yoga nov 2023 - Stella Dekker Fotografie (88)


About the training

This is your chance to learn from one of the first line assistants of Paul and Suzee Grilley, who are the pioneers when it comes to Yin-yoga and anatomy.

This training is meant to give you a thorough understanding of the human anatomy, which we believe will be immensely valuable in your teachings; we will look into the vocabulary of Yin Yoga postures and their variations and learn how to teach them.


What will you learn?

This Yin Yoga Teachertraining is based on the philosophical and anatomical principles as taught by our teachers Paul and Suzee Grilley.

  • Anatomy and its explorations
  • Skeletal variations
  • Target areas
  • functional analysis of postures
  • The 14 skeletal segments
  • The 10 muscle groups
  • The 7 archetypal Yin Yoga Asanas and their variations
  • Assisted Yin
Open Yoga nov 2023 - Stella Dekker Fotografie (31)
Open Yoga nov 2023 - Stella Dekker Fotografie (16)


For who?

This training is for those who are interested in Yin Yoga and Anatomy. You can take this training without having a 200-hr certificate.

Yoga teachers can use the 50 CE credits from this training for their 300-hour journey.


Dates and costs

11 - 14 December 2025, 10am - 4pm

18 - 21 December 2025, 10am - 4pm

Price: €995 (tax free)

This program also grants you 50 CE credits with Yoga Alliance and can be part of your 300-hour journey.

Open Yoga nov 2023 - Stella Dekker Fotografie (102)

About the teacher

About Marcel

Marcel is a teacher of teachers, a passioned yogateacher and practitioner who started his yoga journey in the late ’90’s after being in a depression for a couple of years. Not long after starting on this yoga path he started to teach in gyms and studios.

Marcel followed trainings with a lot of teachers worldwide but his current teachers Paul and Suzee Grilley the founders of yin yoga, from who he is one of their senior assistants during their trainings, thought him in depth anatomy and philosophy. They as well helped him to create a stable meditation practice for the last decade.

Besides being a yoga teacher, Marcel is an Acupuncturist, Tuina therapist and Herbalist.


Other modules

We also offer other modules in this Advanced Teacher Training (300HR)!